梳帽卷瓣兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum andersonii 分类来源:中国植物志梳帽卷瓣兰(中国高等植物图鉴)
Bulbophyllum andersonii (Hook. f.) J. J. Smith in Bull. Buitenz. 2 ser., 8: 22, 1912; Seidenf. in Dansk Bot. Ark. 29 (1): 67, fig. 25. 1973, et in Opera Bot. 114: 284, fig. 186. 1992; Averyanov, Iden. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 272. 1995; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 289. 1995; Z. H. Tsi, S. C. Chen et K. Mori, Wild Orch. China: 93, pl. 138. 1997. ——Cirrhopetalum andersonii Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 777. 1890, et in Hook., Icon. Pl. 1: t. 2055. 1891; King et Pantl. in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 90, pl. 124. 1898; P. F. Hunt et Summerh. in Kew Bull. 20: 58. 1966; 中国高等植物图鉴 5: 736. 图8302. 1976. ——C. henryi Rolfe in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 15. 1903; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 253, 1919; S. Y. Hu in Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 25 (3, 4): 218. 1972——Bulbophyllum henryi (Rolfe) J. J. Smith in Bull. Buitenz. 2 ser., 8: 25. 1912.
Tree trunks or rocks in forests; 400-2000 m. Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, SE to NW Yunnan [NE India, Myanmar, Vietnam]. | ||
Rhizome creeping, 3-5 mm in diam. Pseudobulbs 3-11 cm apart on rhizome, ovoid-conic or narrowly ovoid, 2-5 cm, 6-15 mm in diam., with a terminal leaf. | ||
Petiole 1-2.5 cm; leaf blade oblong, 7-21 × 1.6-4.3 cm, leathery, apex obtuse and retuse. | ||
Scape from base of pseudobulb, erect, yellowish green with purplish red stripes, ca. 17 cm; umbel several flowered; peduncle slender, 1-2 mm in diam., with several tubular sheaths; floral bracts pale yellow, spotted with purple, lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, apex acute. Pedicel and ovary ca. 1 cm, slender. Sepals and petals whitish, densely spotted with purplish red; lip purple. Dorsal sepal ovate-oblong, concave, ca. 5 × 3 mm, with 5 veins spotted with purplish red, adaxially slightly scabrous or finely papillate, apical margins toothed, apex with a long awn ca. 3 mm; lateral sepals oblong, 15-20 mm, base adnate to column foot, twisted near base, connate along upper margin, apex obtuse. Petals oblong or falcate-oblong, ca. 3 × 1 mm, with 3 thickened veins spotted with purplish red, both surfaces densely minute-papillate, margins purplish red and with comblike or irregular teeth, apex with an awn ca. 0.8 mm; lip recurved, ovate-triangular, fleshy, centrally with 1 white longitudinal band, base grooved, attached to end of column foot by a mobile joint, apex obtuse. Column yellowish green, 1-2 mm, with wings at middle; foot white, spotted with purplish red, upcurved, ca. 3 mm, with free part ca. 1.5 mm; stelidia deltoid, ca. 1 mm, apex acute; anther cap yellow, apical margins ciliate. Fl. Feb-Nov. 2n = 38. | ||