直立卷瓣兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum unciniferum 分类来源:中国植物志直立卷瓣兰(植物分类学报)
Bulbophyllum unciniferum Seidenf., Bot. Tidsskr. 68: 58. 1973, et in Dansk Bot. Ark. 29 (1): 208, fig. 112. 1973; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 290. 1995.
Tree trunks in forests; 1100-1500 m. S Yunnan [N Thailand]. 本种近匙萼卷瓣兰 Bulbophyllum spathulatum (Rolfe) Seidenf., 但植物的体态和花的结构不同。 | ||
Rhizome usually ± ascending, ca. 3 mm in diam. Pseudobulbs 2-4 cm apart on rhizome, cylindric or oblong, 2-3.5 cm, usually 6-9 mm in diam., with a terminal leaf. | ||
Leaf blade narrowly oblong, 7-8 × 1-1.9 cm, apex obtuse. | ||
Leaf blade narrowly oblong, 7-8 × 1-1.9 cm, apex obtuse. Scape from base of pseudobulb, 3-3.5 cm; raceme shortened, umbel-like, 2-4-flowered; peduncle ca. 1.5 mm in diam., with several tubular sheaths at base; floral bracts lanceolate, ca. 7 mm, apex acuminate. Pedicel and ovary white, ca. 1.5 cm. Dorsal sepal pale yellow, with purplish spots; lateral sepals vermilion; lip purplish red. Dorsal sepal subelliptic, concave, ca. 10 × 6 mm, apex obtuse or slightly emarginate; lateral sepals lanceolate, 1.6-2 cm, their upper and lower edges connate forming a narrow conic tube, outer surface densely papillate. Petals broadly ovate, ca. 4 × 2.5 mm, near apex fleshy thickened and with densely papillate hairs, apex slightly recurved; lip recurved, base attached to end of column foot by a slender band, mobile, ciliate below middle, apex slightly emarginate. Column stout, with triangular wings; foot with free part ca. 1 mm; stelidia deltoid, ca. 1 mm, apex aristate and slightly hooked; anther cap subglobose. Fl. Mar. | ||