盂兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Lecanorchis japonica 分类来源:中国植物志Lecanorchis japonica Blume Mus. Bot. 2: 188. 1856.
盂兰 yu lan
Lecanorchis cerina Fukuyama; L. cerina f. albida (T. P. Lin) S. S. Ying; L. cerina var. albida T. P. Lin; L. ohwii Masamune.
Plants ca. 33 cm tall. Rhizome 5-6 mm in diam., fleshy. Stem tinged with white, black when fruiting, slender, with 4 sheaths below middle; sheaths tubular, 5-7 mm, membranous, amplexicaul. Raceme terminal, 4-5 cm, 3-7-flowered; floral bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-3 mm; pedicel and ovary 1.4-2 cm, slender; calyculus 0.8-1 mm tall, ca. 1 mm wide, 6-toothed. Sepals oblanceolate, 11-14 × 2-2.5 mm, apex obtuse. Petals similar to sepals; lip base clawed, canaliculate claw connate to column along margin forming a tube; tube 3.5-4 mm; distal free part nearly obovate or obovate-lanceolate, 8-9 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes subovate; mid-lobe broadly elliptic or orbicular, ca. 3 × 4 mm, adaxially densely barbate-villous, margin crisped and erose; disk barbate-villous. Column 7-10 mm, apex slightly dilated. Capsule erect, cylindric, 2-4 cm. Fl. May-Jul.
Forests; 800-1000 m. N Fujian, SW Hunan, Taiwan [Japan].