矮山兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Oreorchis parvula 分类来源:中国植物志Oreorchis parvula Schlechter Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 483. 1912.
矮山兰 ai shan lan
Plants 8-16 cm tall. Pseudobulb oblong to ellipsoid, 1-2 × 0.8-1 cm, several noded. Leaf solitary, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, plicate, 8-11 × 1.3-2 cm, gradually tapering at base into a petiole-like stalk 1-3 cm, apex acuminate. Inflorescence 7-16 cm, with 2 or 3 tubular sheaths below middle; rachis 2-4 cm, densely 7-12-flowered; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, ca. 3 mm. Flowers yellow, outer surfaces of sepals chestnut and lip cream-colored with red-purple spots; pedicel and ovary 2-2.5 mm. Sepals narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 6-7 × 1.5-2 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals somewhat falcate. Petals ligulate-lanceolate, slightly falcate, 5-6 × ca. 1.5 mm, apex obtuse; lip obovate, ca. 5 × 2 mm, shortly clawed at base, 3-lobed below middle; lateral lobes ligulate, less than 1 mm, apex obtuse; mid-lobe subovate, 2-2.5 × 1.8-2 mm, margin slightly undulate, apex obtuse; disk with a pair of longitudinal lamellae at base and extending onto mid-lobe; lamellae ca. 2 mm. Column slightly arcuate, ca. 2.5 mm. Capsule ovoid, 5-8 mm. Fl. May-Jul.
● Forests, open grassy slopes; 3000-3800 m. SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan.