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Eulophia bracteosa 分类来源:中国植物志

Eulophia bracteosa Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 180. 1833.长苞美冠兰 chang bao mei guan lan

Eulophia grandiflora Lindley; Graphorkis bracteosa (Lindley) Kuntze.

Plants autotrophic, 45-80 cm tall. Pseudobulb subterranean, transversely ellipsoid, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., ± covered with membranous sheaths. Leaves 1-3, present at anthesis, lanceolate to narrowly oblong-lanceolate, (25-)45-65 × 2.4-5(-7) cm, papery, base cuneate and contracted into a long petiole-like stalk, apex acuminate; petiole-like stalk 23-40 cm, partially enclosed in several basal sheaths and forming a pseudostem. Inflorescence racemose or very rarely paniculate, 45-80 cm, thick, with several scattered, amplexicaul sheaths 4-8 cm; rachis 8-20 cm, subdensely to densely 8-16-flowered; floral bracts linear-lanceolate, 25-50 × 4-8 mm, exceeding ovary, membranous, apex acuminate. Flowers yellow, medium-sized, 20-25 mm in diam.; pedicel and ovary 20-30 mm. Sepals similar, obovate-elliptic to elliptic, 17-20 × 8-9 mm, apex obtuse and mucronate; lateral sepals usually slightly longer than dorsal sepal. Petals obovate-elliptic, 11-15 × 9-10 mm, membranous, apex rounded; lip obovate-oblong, 11-15 × 7-8 mm, spurred at base, obscurely 3-lobed near apex, apical margin undulate, apex rounded; disk with thickened central veins, with 5 irregularly fimbriate lamellae extending from midway along lip almost to apex of mid-lobe; spur hooked forward, cylindric, ca. 5 mm, apex obtuse. Column 5-6 mm, without a column foot. Fl. Apr-Jul.

Sunny places along valleys, scrubby grasslands; 400-600 m. N Guangdong, NE Guangxi, SE Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Myanmar].