短茎萼脊兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Sedirea subparishii 分类来源:中国植物志短茎萼脊兰(植物分类学报)
Sedirea subparishii (Z. H. Tsi) Christenson in Taxon 34 (3): 518, fig. 1. 1985; S. C. Chen et Z. H. Tsi in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 30 (3): 261. 1992; 浙江植物志 7: 550. 图7-736. 1993; 中国兰花全书: 67. 1998. ——Hygrochilus subparishii Z. H. Tsi in Acta Bot. Yunnan. 4 (3): 267, fig. 1-6. 1982.
Zhejiang ( Lin 'an, Xinchang, Kaihua, Changhua, Longquan, Qingyuan, Wencheng ), Fujian ( Wuyishan ), Southwest Hubei ( Xianfeng ), Hunan ( Sangzhi, Shaoyang, Tongdao ), Northern Guangdong ( Ruyuan ), Northeast Guizhou ( Fanjingshan ), Northeast Sichuan ( Chengkou, Leibo ). Born at an altitude of 300-1100 meters in the hillside forest trunk. Type specimens from Zhejiang ( Kaihua ).
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Stems : Stems 1-2 cm long, with flat, long, curved roots. | ||
Leaves subbasal, oblong or obovate-lanceolate, 5.5-19 cm long, 1.5-3.4 cm wide, apex obtuse and unequally 2-lobed, base with joints and sheaths clasping stems, with most parallel veins, but only midvein distinct. | ||
Racemes as long as 10 cm, sparse flowers ; bracts ovate, 6-9 mm long, apex slightly obtuse, pedicel and ovary ca. 2. 5 cm long ; flowers fragrant, slightly fleshy, spreading, yellowish green with light brown spots ; middle sepals suborbicular, 16-20 mm long, 7-9 mm wide, apex pointed and curved downward, 5-6 veins, ribbed winged at back ; the lateral sepals are similar to the middle sepals and narrower, with 5-6 veins, rib-winged on the back ; petals subelliptic, 15-18 mm long, ca. 6 mm wide, apex acute, 5-6 veins ; lip flap 3 - lobed, base and pistil foot end combined to form a joint ; lateral lobes erect, semicircular, edge slightly fine teeth ; middle lobe fleshy, narrowly oblong, 6 mm long, ca. 1.2 mm wide, beak-like projections proximal to apex on abaxial surface, base ( at spur ) with 1 conical callose compressed on both sides, upper with 1 longitudinal high folds from base to apex ; spur angular, ca. 1 cm long, curved forward, tapering toward ends ; stamens ca. 1 cm long, calyx legs almost invisible ; the column wing extends to the top of the column into a column tooth ; stamen beak elongates, bends down, 2-lobed ; lobes oblong, ca. 4 mm ; drug cap front narrowing ; the stick disc handle is flat linear, often folded, narrowing to the base, and the stick disc is nearly circular.
Flowering : May.
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