竹叶毛兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Eria bambusifolia 分类来源:中国植物志注:名称已修订,正名是:竹叶美柱兰 Callostylis bambusifolia
Callostylis bambusifolia (Lindley) S. C. Chen & J. J. Wood Fl. China. 25: 359. 2009.
竹叶美柱兰 zhu ye mei zhu lan
Basionym: Eria bambusifolia Lindley, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 61. 1858; Cylindrolobus bambusifolius (Lindley) Brieger; Pinalia bambusifolia (Lindley) Kuntze.
Stems tufted, terete, 20-70(-90) cm, 3-7(-25) mm in diam., with many internodes and leaves. Leaves distichous, mostly on upper part of stem; blade narrowly lanceolate, 10-22 × 1-3 cm, papery, base with a long amplexicaul sheath, apex acuminate. Inflorescences 2-7, arising from near apex of stem, opposite to leaves, 10-22 cm; rachis usually zigzag, base often with 2 or 3 sterile bracts; rachis, pedicel, ovary, and abaxial surface of floral bracts and sepals densely grayish brown hairy; floral bracts reflexed, obovate-oblong or subrhombic, ca. 5 mm, adaxially sparsely hairy. Flowers white, with brownish red veins; pedicel and ovary 1-4 cm. Dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, ca. 12 × 3 mm, obtuse; lateral sepals obliquely oblong-lanceolate, ca. 10 × 5 mm, obtuse. Petals oblong-lanceolate, ca. 11 × 2.5 mm, obtuse; lip ovate-oblong in outline, ca. 10 × 5-6 mm, subentire; lateral lobes rudimentary, base and apex ± thickened, mucronate, base with an upcurved claw ca. 2 mm; disk brownish red, with 3 densely white pubescent lamellae extending from base to apex, lamellae thickened at base, distally becoming thinner and disappearing. Column ca. 8 mm (including anther cap), with a wing ca. 1 mm wide on either side. Fl. Dec. 2n = 38.
Epiphytic on tree trunks in forests; 900-1200 m. Guangxi, S Yunnan [NE India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].