叉唇无喙兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Holopogon smithianus 分类来源:中国植物志

注:名称已修订,正名是:叉唇无喙兰 Neottia smithiana

Holopogon smithianus (Schlechter) S. C. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 35: 179. 1997.叉唇无喙兰 cha chun wu hui lan Neottia smithiana Schlechter, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 375. 1924; Archineottia smithiana (Schlechter) S. C. Chen; N. kungii Tang & F. T. Wang.

 Plants 10–29 cm tall, usually growing in clumps. Rhizome short; roots tufted, fleshy. Inflorescence reddish brown; peduncle with 3–5 sheaths; sheaths tubular, 1–4 cm, membranous; rachis 6–8 cm, 15–25-flowered, papillose-pubescent; floral bracts ovate or ovate-elliptic, 6–7 mm, abaxially sparsely papillose-pubescent. Flowers spreading, resupinate, zygomorphic, green; pedicel 3–5 mm, papillose-pubescent; ovary ellipsoid, 3– 4 mm, papillose-pubescent. Sepals narrowly ovate-elliptic, 2.5– 3 × 0.8–1.5 mm, with a prominent midvein, outer surfaces sometimes sparsely papillose-pubescent toward base; lateral sepals slightly oblique. Petals linear, 2.5–3 × ca. 0.5 mm, with a prominent midvein; lip distinct from petals, subobovate-cuneate or oblong-obovate, 6–8 × ca. 2.5 mm, base contracted, margin sparsely ciliate, apex 2-lobed; apical lobes subparallel, narrowly ovate, divided by a sinus ca. 1.5 × 1 mm; disk with a pair of inconspicuous longitudinal ridges near base. Column slightly curved forward, 2–3 mm; anther suberect; filament conspicuous, ca. as long as anther. Fl. Jul–Sep. 

 ● Thickets, forests; 1500–3300 m. S Shaanxi, SW Sichuan.