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Agrostophyllum planicaule 分类来源:中国植物志

The name Agrostophyllum Bl.(1852) (Orchidaceae) is derived from the grass-like leaves of most of its species.It comprises about 60 species epiphytic in nature and widespread from the Seychelles through to Sri Lanka,East India,Papua New Guinea and Polynesia[1].Until now,only two species have been found in China [2],and the following described species is a new record of Agrostophyllum from China.

Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall.ex Lindl.) Rchb.f.(扁茎禾叶兰)(新拟)(Fig.1)

Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall.ex Lindl.) Rchb.f., Ann.Bot.Syst.6∶909 (1864).Type: NE India,Wallich s.n.(holo type.K-LINDLEY).—Eria planicaulis Wall.ex Lindl.In Bot.Reg.26∶8, misc.8,no.4(1840).—Agrostophyllum khasianum Griff.In Calcutta J.Nat. Hist.4∶376,t.19(1844).Type: India,Khasia,Gibson (holo type.CAL).

Epiphytic,Plant 20-40 cm tall; roots caespitose,numerous.Stems somewhat fusiform,compressed,covered by overlapping ovate sheaths.Leaves 3 or 4,distichous,alternate,narrowly ovate-oblong,tapering to both ends,obtuse to minutely emarginate at apex; erect,shining green,7-19×1.5-2.3 cm; shortly petiolate and sheath at base,1-3.5 cm long.Inflorescence globose-capitate, 2 cm across,densely many-flowered;peduncle short; flora bracts fibrous-membranous,lanceolate,subacute,brown,6-7×1.5-2.5 mm.Flowers 3-4 mm across;sepals and lip cream-white, with patches of pale yellow on mid-lobe of lip, mentum and column ochre; pedicel and ovary 6-8 mm long.Sepals subsimilar, ovate-oblong,acute to acuminate,2.5×1.5 mm; lateral sepals suboblique.Petals narrowly linear-oblong,acute,margins recurved,2×1.2 mm.Lip constricted at near middle,2.5 mm long; ridged at constriction; basal claw saccate at base; apical lobe broad,transversely oblong to reniform,3.2 mm wide,minutely erose at apex,margins undulate; mentum spur-like,1 mm long.Column c.1 mm long,broad,lacking a foot,with two fresh,horn-like projections at base.Fruit clustered,ellipsoid, 4-7 mm long.

Distribution: Nepal,India,Myanmar,Thailand,Laos,Vietnam and China.

China.Yunnan (云南): Jiangcheng (江城),Tukahe (土卡河),epiphytic on tree,400 m,September 1,2011,Q Liu & J.T.Yin 139576 (holotype,HITBC).

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Prof.JIN Xiao-Hua for his critical reading of the manuscript and thanks to Pan Bo for his offer of literature.