扁茎禾叶兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Agrostophyllum planicaule 分类来源:中国植物志The name Agrostophyllum Bl.(1852) (Orchidaceae) is derived from the grass-like leaves of most of its species.It comprises about 60 species epiphytic in nature and widespread from the Seychelles through to Sri Lanka,East India,Papua New Guinea and Polynesia
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall.ex Lindl.) Rchb.f.(扁茎禾叶兰)(新拟)(Fig.1)
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall.ex Lindl.) Rchb.f., Ann.Bot.Syst.6∶909 (1864).Type: NE India,Wallich s.n.(holo type.K-LINDLEY).—Eria planicaulis Wall.ex Lindl.In Bot.Reg.26∶8, misc.8,no.4(1840).—Agrostophyllum khasianum Griff.In Calcutta J.Nat. Hist.4∶376,t.19(1844).Type: India,Khasia,Gibson (holo type.CAL).
Epiphytic,Plant 20-40 cm tall; roots caespitose,numerous.Stems somewhat fusiform,compressed,covered by overlapping ovate sheaths.Leaves 3 or 4,distichous,alternate,narrowly ovate-oblong,tapering to both ends,obtuse to minutely emarginate at apex; erect,shining green,7-19×1.5-2.3 cm; shortly petiolate and sheath at base,1-3.5 cm long.Inflorescence globose-capitate, 2 cm across,densely many-flowered;peduncle short; flora bracts fibrous-membranous,lanceolate,subacute,brown,6-7×1.5-2.5 mm.Flowers 3-4 mm across;sepals and lip cream-white, with patches of pale yellow on mid-lobe of lip, mentum and column ochre; pedicel and ovary 6-8 mm long.Sepals subsimilar, ovate-oblong,acute to acuminate,2.5×1.5 mm; lateral sepals suboblique.Petals narrowly linear-oblong,acute,margins recurved,2×1.2 mm.Lip constricted at near middle,2.5 mm long; ridged at constriction; basal claw saccate at base; apical lobe broad,transversely oblong to reniform,3.2 mm wide,minutely erose at apex,margins undulate; mentum spur-like,1 mm long.Column c.1 mm long,broad,lacking a foot,with two fresh,horn-like projections at base.Fruit clustered,ellipsoid, 4-7 mm long.
Distribution: Nepal,India,Myanmar,Thailand,Laos,Vietnam and China.
China.Yunnan (云南): Jiangcheng (江城),Tukahe (土卡河),epiphytic on tree,400 m,September 1,2011,Q Liu & J.T.Yin 139576 (holotype,HITBC).
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Prof.JIN Xiao-Hua for his critical reading of the manuscript and thanks to Pan Bo for his offer of literature.