秋花独蒜兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Pleione maculata 分类来源:中国植物志



秋花独蒜兰 (兰刊) 

Pleione maculata (Lindl.) Lindl. in Paxt., Fl. Gard. 2: 5. t. 39. 1851; P. F. Hunt et Vosa in Kew Bull. 25: 430. 1971; Cribb et al. in Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 184: 106. t. 860. 1983, et Genus Pleione 37. fig. 1B. pl. 1, 15D. 1988; Z. H. Tsi, S. C. Chen et K. Mori, Wild Orch. China 61. pl. 67. 1997;中国兰花全书151.图6-9 (5, 6) . 1998. ——Coelogyne maculata Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl. 43. 1830 (May) , et in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. 1: 45. t. 33. 1830 (July) . ——Pleione diphylla Lindl. in Paxt., Fl. Gard. 2: 66. 1851. ——Coelogyne arthuriana Rchb. f. in Gard. Chron. ser. 2, 15: 40. 1881. ——Coelogyne diphylla (Lindl.) Lindl., Fol. Orch. Coelog. 15. 1854. ——Pleione maculata (Lindl.)Lindl. var. virginea Rchb. f. in Gard. Chron. ser. 3,2: 682. 1887. ——Pleione maculata (Lindl.) Lindl. var. arthuriana (Rchb. f.) Rolfe ex Kraenzl. in Engler,Pflanzenreich IV (50) Heft 32: 128. 1907. 

On tree trunks and mossy rocks in broad-leaved forests; 600-1600 m. W Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, N Thailand].


Cribb   et al.(1983,1988)曾认为P. ×lagenaria Lindl.可能也产于我国云南,但我们迄今未能证实。该杂种的假鳞茎具绿色与紫色相间的斑纹,花期无叶以及花序、萼片、唇瓣长度等特征介于本种和疣鞘独蒜兰P. praecox之间。



Herbs, epiphytic. Pseudobulb green, turbinate to pyriform, 1-3 × 1-1.5 cm, usually with a short, indistinct neck, often enclosed in persistent, smooth sheaths, 2-leaved. 


Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 10-20 × 1.5-3.5 cm, papery, apex acute. 




 Inflorescence appearing after leaves have fallen, erect; peduncle completely enclosed in several membranous sheaths, 5-6 cm; floral bract cucullate, broadly obovate or suborbicular when flattened, 17-30 mm, exceeding ovary, apex obtuse. Flower solitary, suberect or spreading horizontally, fragrant, white or occasionally tinged purplish red, lip with a yellow center and purple blotches on apical margin. Dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, 30-40 × 7-9 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals broadly lanceolate, falcate, slightly oblique, 30-40 × 8-10 mm, apex acute. Petals oblanceolate, ± falcate, 30-42 × 7-8 mm, apex acute; lip ovate-oblong, 25-35 × 20-25 mm, conspicuously 3-lobed at or below middle; lateral lobes small; mid-lobe 10-13 mm, margin erose, apex emarginate; disk with 5-7 papillate-toothed lamellae; central 2 or 3 lamellae arising at base of lip, all extending almost to apex of lip. Column ± arcuate, 17-20 mm, apex irregularly erose-toothed. Fl. Oct-Nov. 2n = 40.






