曲萼石豆兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum pteroglossum 分类来源:中国植物志曲萼石豆兰(中国高等植物图鉴)
Bulbophyllum pteroglossum Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 71. 1919; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 289. 1995. ——B. uniflorum Griff., Notul. 3: 293. 1851, nom. illegit. ——B. monanthum (Kuntze) J. J. Smith in Bull. Buitenz. 2. s. 8: 26. 1912, non Ridl. 1896.
Produced in southern Yunnan ( Mengla, Simao ). It is born on the trunk of mountain forest at an altitude of about 1400 meters. It is distributed in Bhutan, northeast India and Myanmar. Type specimens from Yunnan ( Simao ).
The middle sepal of this species is oval, larger than the lateral sepal, and the apex is obtuse. The apex of the lateral sepal is twisted in an ' S ' shape, which can be distinguished from other species in this group. | ||
Stem : Rhizome stout, ca. 5 mm thick. Pseudobulbs sparsely on rhizomes, 6-8 cm from each other, cylindric, 3-4 cm long, ca. 5 mm thick above middle, apically 1 leaf, base slightly enlarged, mostly fibrous after decay by sheath. | ||
Leaves : Leaf blade fleshy or thickly leathery, oblong, 18-24.5 cm long, middle part 3.4-5.5 cm wide, apex obtuse, base constricted. | ||
Flowers : Scape flat, drawn from the rhizome, drooping, with pedicel and ovary 5-8 cm long, terminal 1 flower, base membranous sheath ; flower bracts ovate, much shorter than pedicels with ovary, apex acute ; flowers thick, erect, pale yellow with red spots ; middle sepals elliptic, concave, 1. 2-1. 5 cm long, middle part 7 mm wide, apex obtuse, with 5 main veins and most transverse veins ; lateral sepals obliquely ovate-triangular, shorter than middle sepals, ca. 7 mm long, 7 mm wide above base, constricted above middle and curvedly hooked, apex slightly obtuse, base adnate to style foot, calyx capsule obtuse ; petals oblong - lanceolate, 8 mm long, middle part about 3 mm wide, apex subacute, with 3 veins, margin entire ; lip flap erect, lower half subsquare, base heart-shaped, connected with the end of the pistil foot to form an active joint, middle 3-lobed ; apex acute, with 3 veins, margin entire ; lip flap erect, lower half subsquare, base heart-shaped, connected with the end of the pistil foot to form an active joint, middle 3-lobed ; lateral lobes erect, winged, ca. 6 mm wide between apexes of both lobes ; middle lobes purplish red, triangular, apex rounded ; stamen column short ; stamens foot upward curved, ca. 1 cm long, part of its separation about 2 mm long ; stamen teeth not obvious ; medicine cap nearly hemispherical.
Flowering : November. | ||