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Dendrobium aduncum 分类来源:中国植物志


Dendrobium aduncum Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 28 (Misc.): 58. 1842; Rchb. f. in Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 295. 1864; Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 40: t. 6784. 1884, et Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 730. 1890, et 6: 185. 1894; King et Pantl. in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 48, pl. 67. 1898; Rolfe in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 9. 1903; Kraenzl. in Engler; Pflanzenr. 45 (IV. 50, II. B. 21): 76. 1910; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 206. 1919; S. Y. Hu in Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 26 (1, 2): 151. 1973; 中国高等植物图鉴5: 697. 图8223. 1976; Z. H. Tsi in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18 (4): 443. 1980; Seidenf. in Opera Bot. 83: 88, fig. 51. 1985; Averyanov, Vasc. Pl. Syn. Vietnam. Fl. 1: 64. 1990; Seidenf., l. c. 114: 237. 1992; Averyanov, Iden. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 198. 1994; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen, l. c. 33 (3): 291. 1995; Z. H. Tsi, S. C. Chen et K. Mori, Wild Orch.China: 66, pl. 72. 1997; 中国兰花全书: 159. 图6-11 (5). 1998. ——D. faulhaberianum Schltr. in Orch. 5: 58, t. 5 (A) 1-9. 1911; 海南植物志 4: 223. 1977. ——D. aduncum Lindl. var. faulhaberianum (Schltr.) T. Tang et F. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. 1 (1): 40, 80. 1951. ——D. hercoglossum auct. non Rchb. f.: S. Y. Hu, Gen. Orch. Hong Kong: 59, 122 (fig. 73-B). 1977.


Epiphytic on tree trunks in mountain forests; 700-1000 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SE Hainan, NE Hunan (Taoyuan), SE Yunnan (Maguan) [Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].


This species of Dendrobium hercoglossum Rchb.f. differs in that the lips are densely covered with short hairs from the back to the center to the front, the stamens are long, the calyx sacs are distinct, and the stamen teeth are large and ear-shaped.


Stems pendulous, sometimes upper part ± curved, pale yellow when dry, cylindric, 50-100 cm, 2-5 mm in diam., unbranched, with many nodes, internodes 3-3.5 cm.


 Leaves oblong or narrowly elliptic, 7-10.5 × 1-3.5 cm, with clasping sheaths at base, apex acute.




Inflorescences often several, arising from upper part of deciduous or leafy old stem; rachis ± porrect, 1.5-4 cm, slender, sparsely 1-6-flowered; peduncle 5-10 mm, base with 3 or 4 membranous sheaths 2-3 mm; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 5-7 mm, membranous, acute. Pedicel and ovary ca. 1.5 cm. Flowers spreading; sepals and petals pale pink, lip white, callus green, column white, anther cap deep purple. Dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, 16-20 × ca. 7 mm, 5-veined, apex acute; lateral sepals obliquely ovate-triangular, ca. as long as or slightly broader than dorsal sepal, 5-veined, apex acute; mentum jarlike, ca. 1 cm. Petals oblong, 14-18 × ca. 7 mm, 5-veined, apex acute; lip concave, cymbiform, broadly ovate when spread, 15-17 mm, claw ca. 5 mm, adaxially densely white barbellate except for claw and both sides of disk, with a square callus near base, apex abruptly contracted, recurved-caudate. Column ca. 4 mm, lower part enlarged, apex with auriculate column teeth on both sides, front densely purple crinite, foot ca. 1 cm long and wide, bent forward, inner surface sometimes sparsely hairy; anther cap nearly subglobose, densely papillate-hairy, front margin irregularly dentate, apex slightly concave.


Flowering : May-June.







