耳唇兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Otochilus porrectus 分类来源:中国植物志耳唇兰(中国兰花全书)
Otochilus porrectus Lindl. in Wall. Cat. no. 1968. 1829, nom. nud., et Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl. 36. 1830; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 844. 1890; Pfitz. et Kraenzl. in Engler’s Pflanzenreich IV (50) Heft 32: 161. 1907; Seidenf. in Bot. Tidsskr. 7: 10. fig. 10. 1976, et in Opera Bot. 89: 91. fig. 52. 1986 et 114: 121. 1992; 横断山区维管植物2: 2579. 1994. ——Tetrapeltis fragrans Wall. ex Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 18: sub t. 1522. 1832, et Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl. 213. 1833. ——Otochilus latifolia Griff., Not. 3: 279. 1851. ——Coelogyne porrecta (Lindl.) Rchb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6: 236. 1861. ——Otochilus fragrans (Wall. ex Lindl.) Nichols., Dict. Gard. 2: 534. 1886. ——Otochilus forrestii W. W. Smith in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 13: 216. 1921; 中国高等植物图鉴5: 692.图8213. 1976.
Epiphytic on trees or lithophytic on rocks in forests; 1000-2100 m. NW to SE Yunnan [NE India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam]. | ||
Pseudobulbs greenish yellow when dry, cylindric to fusiform, 2.5-11 cm × 7-13 mm, sparsely wrinkled. | ||
Leaf blade narrowly elliptic to narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, 7-20 × 2.1-4.1(-5.7) cm, acuminate or obtuse; petiole 1-2.5 cm. | ||
Inflorescence synanthous, ± arching, 15-20 cm; rachis 7-10 cm, laxly several flowered; floral bracts caducous. Flowers white, sometimes slightly tinged with yellowish on abaxial surface of sepals and lip; pedicel and ovary 5-8 mm. Dorsal sepal suboblong or oblong-oblanceolate, 11-13 × ca. 2.5 mm, dorsally somewhat carinate, 5-veined, apex acute or obtuse; lateral sepals suboblong, similar in size to dorsal sepal. Petals sublinear, 11-13 × ca. 0.8 mm, 3-veined; lip 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, embracing column, reaching 1/3-1/2 length of column, oblong, 3-4 × 1.5-2 mm; mid-lobe ovate-elliptic, 6-7 × 4-5 mm, base narrowed into a claw ca. 1 mm, apex acute; sac with 3 thickened and 2 shorter ridges extending nearly to base of mid-lobe. Column ca. 1 cm, upper part winged; anther with long beak to 2 mm; rostellum narrowly lanceolate, 1.5-2 mm. Capsule obovoid-ellipsoid, to 2 cm × ca. 9 mm. Fl. and fr. Oct-Dec. 2n = 40. | ||