四川虾脊兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Calanthe whiteana 分类来源:中国植物志四川虾脊兰(中国兰花全书)
Calanthe whiteana King et Pantl. in J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 15: 121. 1896 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 174. Pl. 235. 1898; Mitra, Fl. Pl. East. Ind. 1: 327. 1958. ——Calanthe wardi i W. W. Smith in Notes. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 13: 194. 1921.
Forests, shrubby slopes; 1000-1800 m. N and SW Sichuan [Bhutan, NE India, N Myanmar].
本种在体态上很近细花虾脊兰Calanthe mannii Hook. f.和剑叶虾脊兰C. davidii Franch.,This species is close to Calanthe mannii Hook.f.and C.davidii Franch.in body shape. The difference is that the flowers of the former are small, the bracts are not reflexed, the distance is 1-2mm, and the lips are 3-lobed and different in shape. The latter lip flap 3 - lobed, and the middle lobe tip 2 - lobed. | ||
Plants ca. 80 cm tall. Rhizome inconspicuous. Pseudobulbs conic, ca. 1 cm in diam., enclosed in leaf sheaths. | ||
Leaves usually 3, not well developed at anthesis, suberect, not deciduous; blade ensiform or narrowly oblong-oblanceolate, ca. 32 × 2.5-4.5 cm, apex acute; petiole-like base usually forming a pseudostem to ca. 7 cm long and ca. 1.5 cm in diam. | ||
Scape arising from leaf axil, erect, to 70 cm, stout, puberulent, with 1 or 2 tubular sheaths; rachis 9-20 cm, laxly 10-20-flowered; floral bracts persistent, reflexed, narrowly lanceolate, 10-30 mm, sparsely puberulent. Flowers pale yellow to yellowish green, turning black when dried; pedicel and ovary ca. 10 mm, puberulent. Dorsal sepal reflexed, ovate-lanceolate, 9-10 × 3.5-4 mm, abaxially slightly puberulent, apex obtuse; lateral sepals reflexed, ovate, oblique, 9-10 × 4.5-5 mm, abaxially slightly puberulent, apex obtuse. Petals narrowly elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, 8-9 × 2.5-3 mm, midvein conspicuous, apex obtuse; lip yellowish white, reniform, ca. 5 × 13 mm, base adnate to column wings, unlobed, entire or slightly erose at margin, apex emarginate and mucronate in sinus; disk with 3 crested, papillose lamellae; spur cylindric, 8-10 × ca. 1.3 mm, outside and inside puberulent, ± attenuate toward apex. Column white, ca. 3 mm, thick, dilated toward apex, puberulent, wings decurrent to base of lip; rostellum 2-lobed; lobes ca. 1 mm; anther small; pollinia unequal in size, 4 subovoid and others subclavate; viscidium suborbicular. Fl. May-Jun. | ||