乌来卷瓣兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum macraei 分类来源:中国植物志乌来卷瓣兰(台湾植物志)
Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. in Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 263. 1861; Seidenf. in Dansk Bot. Ark. 29 (1): 217, t. 118. 1973; Garay et Sweet, Orch. South. Ryukyu Isl.: 135. 1974; 台湾兰科植物 1: 50-51 (图). 1975; 台湾兰科植物彩色图鉴 1: 64. 图12. 1977; 台湾植物志 5: 896. 1978; 台湾兰科植物彩色图志 1: 128. 图14. 1996. ——Cirrhopetalum macraei Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl.: 59. 1830; W. J. Hook. in Bot. Mag. 75: t. 4422. 1849; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 780. 1890. ——C. uraiense Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 4: 51. 1914. ——Bulbophyllum uraiense Hayata, l. c. ——Cirrhopetalum autumnale Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 760. 1935. ——B. macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. var. autumnale (Fukuyama) S. S. Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 2: 424. 1977.
Tree trunks in forests; 500-1000 m. Taiwan [India, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Sri Lanka, N Vietnam]. | ||
Rhizome creeping, ca. 2 mm in diam. Pseudobulbs close or 1-2 cm apart from each other, ovoid, 1-2.8 cm, 1-1.8 cm in diam., with a terminal leaf. | ||
Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade subelliptic, 8-18 × 2.5-6 cm, thickly leathery, base contracted into petiole, apex obtuse. | ||
Scape yellowish green, 10-20 cm, slender; umbel 3-5-flowered; peduncle ca. 1 mm in diam., with 2 or 3 sheaths; floral bracts lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, apex acute. Pedicel and ovary yellowish green or purplish red, ca. 9 mm. Flowers yellowish white, sometimes ± tinged with purplish red on sepals and petals. Dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, 15-18 × 3-5 mm, apex acuminate; lateral sepals narrowly lanceolate, 2.5-3.7 cm, twisted near base, their lower edges connate to each other, apex acuminate. Petals falcate, 5-6.5 × 2-2.7 mm, apex rounded and with apical thread; lip recurved, ligulate, 4-6.5 mm, attached to end of column foot, immobile. Column yellowish green, 2-3 mm; foot ca. 4 mm; stelidia ± twisted and thinly clavate, ca. 2 mm; anther cap subglobose, with comblike teeth at apex. Fl. Jul-Oct. 2n = 38. | ||