锥茎石豆兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum polyrhizum 分类来源:中国植物志锥茎石豆兰(植物分类学报)
Bulbophyllum polyrhizum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl.: 53. 1830; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 767. 1890; King et Pantl. in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 70, pl. 95. 1898; H. Hara et al. Enum. Flow. Pl. Nepal 1: 33. 1978; Seidenf. in Dansk Bot. Ark. 33 (3): 108, t. 68. 1979; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 289. 1995.
Tree trunks in evergreen broad-leaved forests; 900-1400 m. S Yunnan [NE India, Myanmar, Nepal, N Thailand]. | ||
Rhizome creeping, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., rooting from base of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs 5-10 mm apart on rhizome, ovoid, 7-10 mm, 5-7 mm in diam., apex narrowed and somewhat necklike, with a terminal leaf. | ||
Leaf blade narrowly oblong, shorter than scape. Flowers and leaves not appearing at same time. | ||
Scapes from base of leafless pseudobulbs, 8-12 cm, slender; raceme 3-6 cm, sparsely with many small flowers; peduncle ca. 1 mm in diam., with 2 or 3 bractlike sheaths; floral bracts ovate, small, ca. 1.5 mm, apex acute. Pedicel and ovary ca. 3 mm. Flowers yellowish green, widely opening. Dorsal sepal subovate, concave, ca. 4 × 2 mm, apex subacute; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, ca. 4.5 × 2 mm, apex acute. Petals ovate-triangular, 2.3-2.5 × 1.2-1.3 mm, apex acute; lip reflexed, suboblong, ca. 3 × 0.8 mm, adaxially densely minutely papillate, grooved at adaxial base, attached to end of column foot, immobile, apex obtuse-acute. Column ca. 1.2 mm; foot ca. 1 mm; stelidia obliquely triangular-subulate. Fl. Mar. 2n = 38. | ||