南方带唇兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Tainia ruybarrettoi 分类来源:中国植物志南方带唇兰(新拟)
Tainia ruybarrettoi (S. Y. Hu et Barretto) Z. H. Tsi, comb. nov. ——-Aniaruybarrettoi S. Y. Hu et Barretto in Chung Chi J. 3 (2): 25-26 (fig. 12). 1976.
Shady and damp places in forests, beside rivers, bamboo forests; 600-900 m. E Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong [N Vietnam]. | ||
Pseudobulbs slightly spaced, dark green or purplish red, ovoid, 2.5-5.5 × 2.5-4 cm, with 2 sheaths. | ||
Petiole 15-25 cm; leaf blade dark green, lanceolate, 30-45 × 4.5-5.3 cm, acute. | ||
Inflorescence erect; peduncle 30-45 cm, with 3 reddish sheathlike bracts below; rachis 10-30 cm, glabrous, laxly 5-28-flowered; floral bracts dark purple, narrowly lanceolate, 8-13 mm. Flowers: sepals and petals dull reddish yellow, purple-veined, margin yellow, lip white, with purple stripes and spots on lateral lobes, mid-lobe white, spotted with purple, spur orange, column white, spotted with purple, anther cap creamy yellow, with deep purple spots; pedicel and ovary longer than floral bracts. Sepals and petals 3-5-veined; dorsal sepal narrowly lanceolate, 2.7-3.5 × 0.4-0.5 cm, acute; lateral sepals similar to dorsal sepal, slightly falcate. Petals obliquely oblanceolate, 2.7-3.5 × 0.4-0.5 cm, acute; lip ca. 2.2 cm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, embracing column, ovate-oblong, 4-5 × ca. 3 mm, adaxially purple hairy, obtuse-rounded; mid-lobe slightly recurved, suborbicular, ca. 7 × 7 mm, base narrowed into a claw, margin undulate, apex acute; disk with 5 lamellae extending from base to mid-lobe and thickened there, median longer; spur 3-5 × ca. 2 mm. Column slightly arcuate, ca. 12 mm; rostellum triangular. Fl. Mar. | ||