宽萼角盘兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Herminium souliei 分类来源:中国植物志宽萼角盘兰(植物分类学报)
Herminium souliei Schltr. in. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 51. 1903;中国高等植物图鉴5: 625, 图8079. 1976;西藏植物志5: 705, 图370(3-4.)1987; K. Y. Lang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26(3): 177. 1988;横断山区维管植物2: 2528. 1994. ——Herminium angustifolium var. souliei Finet in Rev. Gen. Bot. 13: 518. 1901. ——Herminium souliei var. lichiangense W. W. Smith in Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 337. 1915. ——Herminium limprichtii Schltr, in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 42. et 101. 1919.
Broad-leaved forests, coniferous forests, grassy slopes; 1400-4200 m. W Sichuan, SE Xizang, NE and W Yunnan. | |
Plants 12-40 cm tall. Tubers oblong-ellipsoid, 10-20 × 6-10 mm. Stem with 2 or 3 tubular sheaths at base, 2-4-leaved. Leaves basal and subopposite or cauline, widely spaced and alternate, narrowly oblong, 4.5-20 × 0.5-2 cm, apex acute. | |
Inflorescence 8-25 cm; peduncle cylindric, with 1 or 2 lanceolate sterile bracts 0.5-2.4 cm; rachis 4-12 cm, subdensely many flowered; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 2-5 mm, shorter than ovary, apex acuminate. Flowers erect or horizontal, pale green; ovary straight to slightly arcuate, 4-5 mm including pedicel. Dorsal sepal erect, ovate, concave, 2.5-3 × ca. 2 mm, 3-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals spreading, ovate, oblique, ca. 3.5 × 2.5 mm, 1-veined, apex obtuse. Petals erect, linear, 2.5-3 × ca. 0.6 mm, 1-veined, apex obtuse; lip pendulous, narrowly oblong, 3.2-4.5 × 0.8-1.2 mm, slightly contracted at middle, base slightly dilated and shallowly concave, furcately 3-lobed toward apex; lateral lobes linear-falcate, incurved, 1-2 mm; mid-lobe oblong-lanceolate to obtusely triangular, ca. 0.5 mm, apex obtuse. Column ca. 1 mm; pollinia ovoid; viscidia ovoid. Fl. Jul-Aug. | |