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Paphiopedilum godefroyae 分类来源:国外


Paphiopedilum godefroyae (God.-Leb.) Stein, Orchideenbuch: 468.1892.

Cypripedium godefroyae God.-Leb. in Orchidophile 1883: 830. 1883.


Distribution: S Thailand.

Note : One variant known under this species is recognized ; white flower variant f.album Gruss ( 2002 ). 


Paphiopedilum thaianum Iamwiriyakul ( Orchid Rev.114 : 278.2006 ) is native to Thailand. Its flowers white, but sepals and petals near the base, especially the back of the base with purple red stripes ; degenerative stamens often have green to yellowish green veins in the center. This plant is similar to Paphiopedilum Goodale, especially its albino form ; it is also similar to P. niveum, but to a lesser extent. It is best seen as a variant of Good or Snow White, or as a natural hybrid between the two. But further research is necessary.


Leaves 4-6, narrowly oblong, 14-19 cm long, 2-4cm wide, obtuse at apex, adaxially tessellated with dark and pale green, abaxially densely spotted with deep purple.



Scape erect, 4-12 cm long, purple, pubescent; bract broadly ovate, cooduplicate, I--1.5 cm long, purple, pubescent; pedicel and ovary 2.4一3.6 cm long, pubescent; flowers single or two, whitish, spotted and striped with purple on the sepals and petals; lip and staminode sometimes minutely pu巾le-spotted; dorsal sepal concave, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 2.5- 3.2 cm long and wide, obtuse at apex, puberulous on both surfaces; synsepal smaller than dorsal sepal; petals oblong-elliptic, 3-4cm long, 2—2. 7 cm wide, subobtuse at apex, often undulate-margined; lip deep pouched; pouch ellipsoid, 2-2.5 cm long, 1.4-1.8 cm wide, apical margins involute; staminode transversely elliptic, 7—8 mm long, 9-1 I mm wide, one­to three-toothed apically, pubcrulous above.





