福贡虾脊兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Calanthe fugongensis 分类来源:中国植物志

福贡虾脊兰Calanthe fugongensis 

 Montane evergreen forests; 2400-3000 m. W Yunnan.


Plants 50-60 cm tall. Rhizome inconspicuous. Pseudobulbs conic, ca. 4 × 2 cm.Leaves 3 or 4, not well developed at anthesis, not deciduous; blade elliptic-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 20-30 × 5-10 cm, glabrous, margin slightly undulate, apex acuminate; petiole-like base 3-10 cm, slender, usually involute and forming a pseudostem 9-20 cm.  


Scape terminal, erect, to 50 cm, finely puberulent; rachis to 30 cm, laxly to 20-flowered; floral bracts persistent, lanceolate, 9-10 mm, membranous, glabrous, apex acute. Flowers yellow; pedicel and ovary 20-26 mm, finely puberulent. Dorsal sepal narrowly elliptic, ca. 20 × 10 mm, 7-veined, apex acuminate; lateral sepals lanceolate, slightly oblique, ca. 20 × 8 mm, 5-veined, apex acute. Petals oblanceolate, 15-16 × ca. 6 mm, 3-veined, apex acuminate; lip attached to length of column, 13-14 × 13-14 mm, base shortly clawed, 3-lobed; lateral lobes narrowly oblong-hamate, oblique, ca. 5 × 8 mm, apex obtuse; mid-lobe spatulate, ca. 10 × 10 mm, base clawed, apical margin ± undulate-dentate, apex emarginate and mucronate in sinus; disk with 3 erect, fleshy, subquadrate lamellae on mid-lobe; spur adnate to ovary, cylindric, 4.5-6 mm, outside and inside puberulent, apex obtuse. Column ca. 10 mm, dilated toward apex, glabrous, with triangular wings; rostellum 2-lobed; lobes ca. 1 mm; anther cap ca. 4 mm, beaked; pollinia clavate, subequal in size, ca. 2 mm; viscidium suboblong, ca. 0.8 mm. Fl. May-Jun.




