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Cymbidium wilsonii 分类来源:中国植物志


Cymbidium wilsonii (Rolfe ex Cook) Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 12: 97. 1904; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 272. 1919; Y. S. Wu et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18 (3): 303. 1980; Du Puy et Cribb, Genus Cymbidium 121. phot. 90, 91. fig. 23 (5). 1988;中国兰花全书83. 1998.——Cymbidium giganteum Wall. ex Lindl. var. wilsonii Rolfe ex Cook in The Garden 65: 158, 189 (fig.). 1904. ——Cyperorchis wilsonii (Rolfe ex Cook) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. 20: 108. 1924.

Trees in forests; ca. 2000 m. S Yunnan (Mengzi) [Vietnam].


This species is very close to C.hookerianum, but the leaves are wide, the stamens are short, and there are not obvious reddish-brown longitudinal veins on the sepals and petals, which can be distinguished. However, the above characteristics are similar to those of C.iridioides, so some people think that this species may be a hybrid between it and C.iridioides. Since we have not taken the specimen, it is difficult to judge. The above description is excerpted fromDu Puy & Cribb的《The   Genus Cymbidium)。


Plants epiphytic, autotrophic. Pseudobulbs narrowly ovoid, bilaterally flattened, ca. 6 × 3 cm.


Leaves 7, lorate, ca. 90 × 2.5 cm, articulate 6-11 cm from base, apex acute.


Inflorescence suberect or arching, 25-70 cm; rachis 5-15-flowered; floral bracts triangular, very small. Flowers slightly fragrant, 9-10 cm in diam.; pedicel and ovary 22-42 mm; sepals and petals green or yellowish green with inconspicuous reddish brown longitudinal venation and more distinct reddish brown speckles along veins; lip cream-yellow with dark reddish brown striations on lateral lobes and with a submarginal V-shaped reddish brown patch composed of dense spots and blotches along apical margin of mid-lobe, becoming purplish red following pollination. Sepals narrowly obovate, 44-57 × 12-19 mm, apex acuminate. Petals narrowly obovate, 40-53 × 7-13 mm, apex acuminate; lip broadly ovate-elliptic, base fused to basal margins of column for 3.5-5 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, ciliate; mid-lobe 15-18 mm, margin undulate; disk papillate or puberulent. Column 27-32 mm, broadly winged at apex, sparsely puberulent and papillate near base on ventral surface; pollinia 2, deltoid. Fl. Feb-Apr.




