矮石斛 转到中国兰科植物志
Dendrobium bellatulum 分类来源:中国植物志矮石斛(中国高等植物图鉴)小美石斛(中药志)
Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe in Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 10. 1903, et in Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 36: 114, fig. 47. 1904; Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 130: t. 7985. 1904; Kraenzl. in Engler, Pf langer. 45 (IV. 50, II. B. 21): 87. 1910; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 207. 1919; S. Y. Hu in Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 26 (1, 2): 152. 1973; 中国高等植物图鉴5: 703. 图8236. 1976; Z. H. Tsi in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18 (4): 436. 1980; Seidenf. in Opera Bot. 83: 103, fig. 60. 1985; Averyanov, Vasc. Pl, Syn. Vietnam. Fl. 1: 66. 1990; Seidenf., l. c. 114: 210. 1992; Averyanov, Iden. Guide Vietnam. Orch.: 183. 1994; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 291. 1995; 中国兰花全书: 159. 图6-12 (5). 1998.
Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests; 1200-2100 m. S Yunnan [NE India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam]. | ||
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Stems erect or ascending, fusiform or shortly clavate, short and stout, 2-5 cm, 3-18 mm in diam., with many longitudinal ridges, unbranched, with 2-5 nodes, internodes 5-10 mm. | ||
Leaves 2-4, subterminal, ligulate, ovate-lanceolate, or oblong, 1.5-4 × 1-1.3(or more) cm, leathery, both surfaces and leaf sheaths densely shortly black hairy at least when young, base decurrent forming clasping sheaths, apex obtuse and unequally bilobed. | ||
Inflorescences usually solitary, subterminal on latest or older mature leads, 1-3-flowered; peduncle 2-3 mm; rachis 5-7 mm; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 7-10 mm, membranous. Pedicel and ovary ca. 2.5 cm. Flowers spreading, white, mid-lobe of lip golden yellow, inner surface of lateral lobes red. Dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, ca. 25 × 10 mm, 7-veined, apex acute; lateral sepals obliquely ovate-lanceolate, ca. 25 × 10 mm, 7- or 8-veined, apex acute; mentum broadly conic, ca. 10 mm. Petals oblanceolate, ca. as long as and wider than dorsal sepal, 5-veined, rounded; lip subpandurate, ca. 30 mm, apex 3-lobed; lateral lobes nearly subovate; mid-lobe subreniform, shallowly bilobed, bent downward; disk irregularly papillate, with 5 irregularly papillate ridges. Column ca. 5 mm; anther cap conic, densely papillate.
Flowering April-June. | ||
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