镇康贝母兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Coelogyne zhenkangensis 分类来源:中国植物志Coelogyne zhenkangensis S. C. Chen & K. Y. Lang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 21: 345. 1983.镇康贝母兰 zhen kang bei mu lan
Rhizome slightly rigid, 3-5 mm in diam., with scaly sheaths. Pseudobulbs 3-5.5 cm apart on rhizome, cylindric, 5-7 cm × 5-8 mm, attenuate toward apex, with 2 leaves at apex and several sheaths at base; sheaths oblong-lanceolate to nearly ovate, 2-4.5 cm, abaxially ± covered with small wartlike outgrowths. Leaf blade narrowly oblong-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 8-11 × 2-3.2 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate; petiole 1.4-2.5 cm. Inflorescence hysteranthous, nearly as long as leaves, with 6 or 7 imbricate sterile bracts at interface between peduncle and rachis forming a tube 1.5-2 cm; rachis 3- or 4-flowered, slightly flexuose; floral bracts caducous. Sepals linear, ca. 11 × 2 mm, abaxially carinate, 5-veined, apex acuminate. Petals subfiliform or narrowly linear, ca. 11 × 0.7 mm, 3-veined; lip slightly anchor-shaped, ca. 11 mm, concave at base, 3-lobed; lateral lobes on basal sides of lip, oblong, ca. 2 × 1.2 mm, auriculate, irregularly dentate at apex; mid-lobe oblong-oblanceolate, ca. 9 × 2.3 mm, apex subacute; callus with 5 lamellae, median lamella a thickened ridge extending to tip of mid-lobe, 4 lateral lamellae thick veins terminating at base of mid-lobe. Fl. Mar.
● On tree trunks; ca. 2500 m. SW Yunnan (Zhenkang).