白花长距虾脊兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Calanthe alto-longicalcarata 分类来源:中国植物志白花长距虾脊兰 bai hua chang ju xia ji lan
Calanthe albolongicalcarata S. S. Ying; C. matsumurana Schlechter.
Plants ca. 50 cm tall. Pseudobulbs very small, completely enclosed in leaf sheaths. Leaves 5-8, well developed and spreading at anthesis, not deciduous; blade 15-25 × 5-8 cm, glabrous or sometimes with hairs on veins, apex acute or acuminate; petiole-like base 3-9 cm. Scape arising from leaf axil, 35-45 cm, 3-4 mm in diam., puberulent, with 2 sterile bracts; rachis 5-10 cm, subdensely 10-20-flowered; floral bracts persistent, lanceolate, 12-18 mm, glabrous, apex acuminate. Flowers white, flushed purple on outer surfaces, with pinkish purple lip; pedicel and ovary 20-25 mm, puberulent. Sepals similar, elliptic, 10-15 × 7-8 mm, abaxially sparsely puberulent, apex acute and shortly caudate. Petals obovate or obovate-lanceolate, 10-13 × 4-6 mm, glabrous, apex acute; lip adnate to entire length of column wings, ca. 15 × 12-18 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes narrowly elliptic, 4-7 × 4-5 mm, apex obtuse; mid-lobe broadly orbicular, 8-10 × 7-9 mm, apex divided by a deep sinus into 2 lobules, apiculate in sinus; lobules divergent, narrowly elliptic, ca. 10 × 5 mm, margin undulate, apex obtuse; disk with a cluster of wartlike yellow calli at base; spur 2-3 × 1-1.5 mm. Column ca. 2 mm; rostellum 2-lobed. Fl. Jun.
● Forests; 500-1300 m. Taiwan.
Calanthe ×dominyi was first named from an artificial hybrid between C. masuca (a synonym of C. sylvatica in the present treatment) and C. triplicata but subsequently has been found as a naturally occurring hybrid.