玫瑰鸢尾兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Oberonia rosea 分类来源:中国植物志Oberonia rosea J. D. Hooker Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 21: ad t. 2005. 1890.
玫瑰鸢尾兰 mei gui yuan wei lan
Oberonia kusukusensis Hayata.
Stem 3-5 cm, enclosed in leaf bases. Leaves several, distichous-equitant, laterally compressed, ensiform, variable in size, to 9 × 0.5 cm, base not articulate, apex acuminate and slightly curved-tipped. Peduncle ca. 10 cm; rachis many flowered, each whorl of flowers 2-3 mm apart; floral bracts oblong, ca. 1.5 mm, apical margin erose. Flowers pale green, sometimes tinged with reddish orange, ca. 2 mm in diam.; pedicel and ovary ca. 1 mm. Dorsal sepal ovate, ca. 0.9 × 0.6 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals obliquely ovate, ca. 0.9 × 0.7 mm. Petals rhombic-elliptic, ca. 0.8 mm, margin conspicuously erose; lip ca. 0.9 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes slightly smaller than mid-lobe, margin erose; mid-lobe subrectangular, ca. 0.4 mm, margin somewhat irregularly dentate, apex subtruncate and emarginate. Column ca. 0.3 mm. Capsule ellipsoid, ca. 2.5 mm.
Epiphytic on trees in evergreen forests along streams. S Taiwan [Malaysia (Peninsular), Vietnam].