短葶石豆兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum leopardinum 分类来源:中国植物志Bulbophyllum leopardinum (Wallich) Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 48. 1830.短葶石豆兰 duan ting shi dou lan
Dendrobium leopardinum Wallich, Tent. Fl. Napal. 39. 1826; Bulbophyllum colomaculosum Z. H. Tsi & S. C. Chen; Sarcopodium leopardinum (Wallich) Lindley.
Rhizome 2.5-8 mm in diam., sections between pseudobulbs 1.2-4 cm, bract fibers moderately persistent, sometimes forming a loose net around pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs close together or distant, often somewhat prostrate proximally, ovoid, 2-5.5 × 1-2.5 cm. Petiole 2-8 cm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 3.5-18 × 2-6.5 cm, obtuse to acute. Inflorescence erect to spreading, 5-10 cm, 1-flowered or a raceme, 2-flowered; peduncle 0.6-2.5 cm; bracts ca. 2, longest 6-10 mm; rachis 0.2-0.7 cm; floral bracts tubular, 7-14 mm, acute. Flowers resupinate, moderately opening, (creamy) yellow to (pale) green, often partly spotted or suffused with red or purple, sometimes with a yellow halo around numerous red or purple spots, lip yellow, adaxially strongly suffused with red. Pedicel and ovary 28-50 mm. Dorsal sepal recurved with top incurved, elliptic to ovate-triangular, 14-20 × 6.5-13.5 mm, rather thick, glabrous, base rather broadly attached, margin entire, apex truncate and apiculate to acute; lateral sepals free, recurved, ovate to triangular, 15-23 × 10-15 mm, obtuse and apiculate to acute, otherwise as dorsal sepal. Petals recurved, elliptic to ovate, 10-14 × 5-9 mm, rather thick, glabrous, base rather narrowly attached, margins entire, sometimes slightly erose proximally along lower margin, apex acute to acuminate; lip recurved, ovate, 9.5-14 × 6-9 mm (all without artificial spreading), thick; abaxially with a truncate median ridge up to 2/3 of length of lip, surface glabrous; adaxially slightly concave proximally, convex distally, with a median slit over most of length of lip, proximally deepening and widening into a cavity bordered by 2 short, distally converging ridges, with 2 more ridges with straight, proximally erose-verrucose crests starting at lacerate part of margi