飘带石豆兰 转到中国兰科植物志
Bulbophyllum haniffii 分类来源:中国植物志Bulbophyllum haniffii Carr Gard. Bull. Straits Settlem. 7: 20. 1932.
飘带石豆兰 piao dai shi dou lan
Rhizome pendulous, slender, sometimes branched, only basal nodes with many roots. Pseudobulbs close, ovoid, 5-6 mm, 3-4 mm in diam., with a terminal leaf. Leaf sessile; blade elliptic, 2.2-2.4 × ca. 0.9 cm, fleshy, apex acute. Scape from base of pseudobulb, terminating in a solitary flower; peduncle 2-3 mm, slender, base with 2 cupular sheaths. Pedicel and ovary ca. 3 mm. Sepals free, subequal in size, lanceolate, ca. 5.5 × 2 mm, margin entire, apex acuminate; lateral sepals ca. 1/3 width of base adnate to column foot forming a mentum. Petals lobed almost deeply to base, with a broad sinus, each lobe with 2-4 appendages; appendages grayish black, densely finely papillate, linear-oblong, ca. 3.5 × 0.3 mm, base with a filiform stalk ca. 1.5 mm, apex obtuse; lip lanceolate, ca. 3.5 mm, fleshy, adaxial base grooved and densely papillate-hairy, apex acute. Column ca. 2 mm, ca. 1 mm in diam.; foot ca. 1 mm, with free part ca. 0.6 mm; stelidia very short, dentate; anther cap with 1 crestlike ridge on apical margin. Fl. Jul.
Tree trunks in evergreen broad-leaved forests; ca. 1700 m. S Yunnan [Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand].