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Bulbophyllum psittacoglossum 分类来源:中国植物志



Bulbophyllum psittacoglossum Rchb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 21: 236. 1863; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 754. 1890; Seidenf. in Dansk Bot. Ark. 33 (3): 30, fig. 13. 1979, et in Opera Bot. 114: 317. 1992; Z. H. Tsi et S. C. Chen in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33 (3): 289. 1995. ——Sarcopodium psittacoglossum (Rchb. f.) Hook. in Bot. Mag. 89: t. 5408. 1863.


South to southeast Yunnan ( Mengla, Shiping, Wenshan, Jingdong, Hekou ). Born at an altitude of 1500 meters in the mountain forest on the trunk or sunny slopes of the rock. It is distributed in Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar. The type specimen is from Myanmar.


Stems : Pseudobulbs ovate, prostrate on rhizomes, with no obvious space between them, only slightly elevated upper part, 15-30 mm long, 10-15 mm thick, membranous sheath, apex 1 leaf.


Leaves : Leaf blade elliptic or oblong, 3-15 cm long, 1.7-3.7 cm wide, apex obtuse and slightly concave, base with 5-10 mm petiole.


Flower : Scape from the base of pseudobulb, with 1-2 flowers ; inflorescence stalk 7-25mm long, basal sheath ; the bracts are broadly ovate, 7-10 mm long, apex acute ; pedicel and ovary slender, cylindrical, 2-3cm long ; flower yellow with purple spots ; middle sepals elliptic, 12 mm long, middle width 6 mm, apex acute, with 7 veins ; lateral sepals ovate-triangular, 17 mm long, 8 mm wide above base, apex acute, with 7 veins ; petals obovate-elliptic, 9 mm long, 5 mm wide at middle, apex obtuse, with 4 veins ; the labial flap is tongue-shaped, fleshy, with slightly dentate edges on both sides of the base, slightly outward and downward bending above the middle, and the base is connected with the column foot to form an active joint. The apex is blunt, the upper surface is densely verrucous, and the center has 2 wavy folds. Stamen column short, about 3 mm long ; stamen column foot length 7 mm, part of its separation length 3 mm ; the stamen wing extends forward above the base of the stamen into a nearly sharp triangle at the front end ; stamen column tooth-like ; the cap is long conical, and the front end is narrowed to a narrow tip. 




Flowering : June.





