裂唇羊耳蒜  转到中国兰科植物志

Liparis fissilabris 分类来源:中国植物志

注:名称已修订,正名是:裂唇睫唇兰 Blepharoglossum fissilabre

Liparis fissilabris Tang & F. T. Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 37. 1974.裂唇羊耳蒜 lie chun yang er suan

Herbs, epiphytic or lithophytic. Pseudobulbs densely arranged, ovoid to ovoid-oblong, 1.5-3.5 × 1-1.8 cm. Leaves 2, oblanceolate-oblong, ligulate-oblong, or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 6-19 × 1.8-3.2 cm, papery, base attenuate into a petiole, articulate, apex acuminate or acute. Inflorescence 12-18 cm; peduncle nearly wingless, with several white sterile bracts; rachis laxly 10-30-flowered; floral bracts white, linear-lanceolate, 3-5 mm, membranous. Flowers green, lip red; pedicel and ovary 5-10 mm. Sepals suboblong, 3.5-4 × ca. 1.3 mm, 3-veined, apex obtuse. Petals filiform, 3.5-4 mm, 1-veined; lip nearly spatulate-oblong, 4-5 × ca. 1.7 mm, with a folded gap on either side of margins below middle, ± ciliate, with 2 longitudinal lamellae from base to middle, 2-lobed, sinus mucronulate; lobes ovate or oblong, ca. 1.2 × 1 mm, outer margin ± ciliate, apex irregularly incised. Column suberect or apex slightly arching, 2-2.5 mm, dilated at base, with narrow wings toward apex. Capsule obovoid-ellipsoid, 7-8 × 4-5 mm; fruiting pedicel 7-8 mm. Fl. Nov, fr. Jan-Feb.

● Forests, trees or rocks along valleys; ca. 500 m. SE Hainan.