丝裂玉凤花  转到中国兰科植物志

Habenaria polytricha 分类来源:中国植物志

Habenaria polytricha Rolfe Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 25: ad t. 2496. 1896.

丝裂玉凤花 si lie yu feng hua

Medusorchis polytricha (Rolfe) Szlachetko.

Plants 40-80 cm tall. Tubers oblong, 3-5 × 1-2.5 cm, fleshy. Stem erect, terete, stout, with 7 or 8(-10) leaves near middle and 3 to many bractlike leaflets above leaves. Leaf blade narrowly elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 4-20 × 2-6 cm, base contracted into amplexicaul sheath, apex acuminate. Raceme 6-15(-40)-flowered, 15-30 cm; floral bracts lanceolate, 10-12 mm, apex long acuminate; ovary twisted, terete, including pedicel 14-15 mm, glabrous. Flowers greenish white; sepals green. Dorsal sepal elliptic-lanceolate, concave, 8-9 × 3-4 mm, 3-veined, apex aristate; lateral sepals reflexed, obliquely ovate, 9-12 × 5-6 mm, 3-veined, apex aristate. Petals pale green or white, deeply 2-lobed; upper lobe 2-lobed and lower lobe 3-5-lobed once again, lobules all filiform, 14-17 mm; lip pale green or white, above base 3-lobed, each lobe divided once more into more than 20 lobules; lobules filiform, 14-18 mm; spur pendulous, white, cylindric-clavate, 12-14 mm, shorter than ovary, slightly dilated toward end, apex obtuse; stigmas oblong. Fl. Aug-Oct.

Forests; 300-1100 m. Guangxi, Jiangsu, SW Sichuan, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Philippines].