长穗钗子股  转到中国兰科植物志

Luisia longispica 分类来源:中国植物志

Luisia longispica Z. H. Tsi & S. C. Chen Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 556. 1994.

长穗钗子股 chang sui chai zi gu

Stems to 20 cm, ca. 5 mm in diam., internodes ca. 2 cm. Leaves 9-11 cm × ca. 3 mm, obtuse. Inflorescences 1 or 2, ca. 2 cm, 4-8-flowered; floral bracts ovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm, fleshy. Flowers yellowish green, tinged with purplish red, lip purple-red; pedicel and ovary ca. 4 mm. Dorsal sepal ovate elliptic, ca. 3.2 × 2 mm, slightly concave, obtuse; lateral sepals spreading, sublanceolate, ca. 4 × 1.8 mm, dorsally carinate, midvein protruding from apex forming a subulate point ca. 1.5 mm, apex obtuse. Petals subovate, ca. 3 × 2.8 mm, obtuse; lip subovate-triangular, ca. 4 mm, without distinct boundary between epichile and hypochile; hypochile ca. 4 mm wide, concave, base with a pair of longitudinal ridges running to base of column; epichile nearly suborbicular, ca. 1.2 × 2.8 mm. Column ca. 1.5 mm, apex with 2 short teeth on both front sides; anther cap subglobose; stipe subobovate, ca. 1.2 mm; viscidium elliptic, ca. 0.8 mm wide. Fl. May.

● Epiphytic on tree trunks in forests along valleys; ca. 800 m. S and SE Yunnan.